First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Email address
Where can we find you on social media?
Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Houzz etc.
Can you give a brief overview of your business?
What is the meaning behind your business name?
Why did you get into this business?
Are you experiencing any difficulties within your business right now?
Where do you see your business in 1 year? 3 years?
List your three most important brand values:
Pretend your audience is one person and use at least one paragraph to describe them in detail. For example, what kind of house do they live in? Where do they shop? What do they wear? What kind of music do they listen to?
What do they struggle with?
What are your client's biggest problems, needs, and wants?
Why will your people be drawn to your business?
Describe the value your main product/service adds to your ideal client:
What do you want your clients/customers to say about you when they've done business with you?
What three questions would they ask before working with you?
What is one thing that would stop them from working with you?
Please list 2-3 of your competitors. What are they doing well? What are they NOT doing well?
What makes you stand out from your current competitors?
In what ways do your products/services differ from your competition?
Who is your competition?
Name, website, description of how they compare:
What do you like or dislike about their branding?
Do they have a great website or logo? Do you admire their color palette or their brand voice? Do they fall short in some areas?
Identify 3-4 brands that reflect the style or feel that you would like to emulate:
Are there any current aspects of your brand design that you’d like to keep?
What is most important to you about your design/copy/photos, and what are they currently lacking?
Describe how you want your design/photos/copy to feel in three words:
Do you intend to modify the work we create for you? If so, what programs do you or your team members intend to use to make the modifications?
What has caused you to invest in this project?
Project Budget
< $2,500
When are you hoping to complete this project by?
Do you have any questions or concerns you’d like us to address before we start your project?
Where did you about hear us?
What do you hope to achieve from working with us?