First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Email address
Project Title
Project Overview
Describe the project you are looking for help with
Project Objectives
Detailed goals, desired outcomes, and measurable objectives.
Describe the value your main product/service adds to your ideal client:
What three questions would they ask before working with you or buying your product?
What is one thing that would stop them from working with you or buying your product?
Please list 2-3 of your competitors. What are they doing well? What are they NOT doing well?
In what ways do your products/services differ from your competition?
What is most important to you about your design/copy/photos, and what are they currently lacking?
Do you intend to modify the work we create for you? If so, what programs do you or your team members intend to use to make the modifications?
What has caused you to invest in this project?
What are your budget requirements or restrictions for this project?
Preferred & Drop Dead Due Date
Target Audience
Describe your primary and secondary demographics etc.
Campaign Messaging
Describe the key benefits of your product, it's value and the desired target audience take away
Competitive Analysis
Describe competitors, their campaign messages, research findings etc.
List any file type or size specifications